Women are very important in keeping our world and life in balance. A woman is often the most central person in the home. Often, she works, cooks, cleans the house, and takes care of the running of the home. She may be taking care of the children, taking care of elderly parents, may be teaching the children.
She worries about every single person in the home, she gives to everyone in the home, and she makes sure everyone is ok in the home. She worries about her friends or co-workers, she wants to help them. She gives, and gives, until she cannot give anymore.
Often, she forgets herself, and is over-worked and carries a great deal of stress. In her desire to facilitate the relationships in the home, to be helpful, she may give too much of herself. She sometimes feels tired or stressed or just feels burn out.
First of all, women deserve respect. Not only do women deserve respect from others, but also respect from themselves. I have seen many women who don’t respect themselves. This disrespect is manifest in their use of drugs and alcohol, their abuse of their body and mind, and not being willing to improve themselves, and allowing emotion to get in their way. The outcome of this is “Illness”.
This is why I offer a yearly program for women in March, to help them understand the importance of keeping their body, mind, emotions, and spirit in balance. The program provides tools for a woman to use and practice. Eventually she will be able to solve her life issues with ease, be more energetic and efficient without burning out.
I am a woman and I was women’s doctor; I understand women completely. I experience the same stresses that other women do. Being a holistic doctor, I have used holistic methods to help myself, and now I want to share this with others.
With daily self-care practice, I was able to improve my physical health, my brain health, and my emotional health. I was able to improve my ability in multiple areas. And most importantly, I was able to keep my inner balance. If we are in balance, we are able to do all these things without depleting our selves.
Change Life and Health with Practice of Holistic Methods:
If you do a daily practice with holistic methods, you can improve in four areas: Health, Relationships, Career, and Emotions.
A well-balanced woman is one who has:
– Leadership skills
– Stress management skills
– An ability to engage people in a positive way
– Problem solving skills
– The ability to keep up her optimum health
What are the Holistic Methods?
1. Taking care of emotions
2. Healthful communication
3. Mindful Eating and Dieting
4. Daily Nourishment Practice