Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese exercise that has been practiced all over the world for its health benefits. It started 4000 years ago in response to epidemics that killed thousands and thousands people from village to village. Once Qi Gong was invented, the death rate was dramatically reduced. This is how Qi Gong originated.

After many years of evolution in the study of health and wellness, Qi Gong was recognized as the most effective exercise for healing, and it is now known as a special exercise for improving physical health, spiritual health, emotional health, and mental health. Qi Gong also provides benefits in disease prevention, fall prevention, and anti-aging.

Qi Gong is easy to learn and practice, it is suitable for all ages and all ability levels. The slow body movements emphasize mental calmness and focus, breath control, movement control, coordination, and moving with “intention”.

With all of this it produces a strong life force; we call it “Qi”. Qi Gong touches all aspects of the whole person at the same time. It is also called “Moving Meditation”. While moving the “Qi” during practice, you are activating every cell and organ in the body, and in so doing, you promote healing.

Practicing Qi Gong helps to open the body’s energy pathways when practiced with mind, body, and spirit. It is not enough to just simply copy the physical movements. You must incorporate mind, breath, body, and spirit with total relaxation, focus, meditation, and dedication to your practice.

Qi Gong practice offers amazing health benefits, these include:

– Circulation
– Metabolism
– Flexibility
– Posture
– Body stability
– Concentration
– Immune function
– Daily energy level
– Digestion and absorption
– Emotional balance
– Self awareness
– Relationships
– Anti aging, and preventing brain aging

Qi Gong trains us to be positive, not to be absorbed and overtaken by negative spirit, or negative energy. It is as if Qi Gong helps us to create a shield against negative energy. We tend to gravitate more towards people with positive energy and we embrace it.

The world needs to be more positive, our emotions need to be more positive, and our people will become more positive with daily Qi Gong and Tai Chi practice. Qi Gong comes from Daoist practice and the Daoist practice teaches us to go with the natural flow.

This philosophy also helps our healing and rejuvenating. My own experience with Qi Gong practice has proved the healing power: I had Lyme disease but I am now functioning normally; I have chronic lung disease but I live like a normal person; I have arthritis but I can do things like most people; I have a genetic hip issue but I manage it well. I have to say that Qi Gong really made my life a lot easier.

Practicing Qi Gong or Tai Chi is a journey; it serves as self-discipline, as a lifestyle, as well as anti-aging practice. In our fast paced society, we need Qi Gong and Tai Chi to balance our life, keep us up lifted, help us to focus, keep us healthy, and bring us a fulfilled spirit and happiness.