If you are looking for a gift in the New Year for yourself or others, think about a gift that can nourish your mind, body, and spirit; a gift brings healing knowledge and wisdom. Material gifts bring temporary joy; gaining knowledge and wisdom brings you a lifetime of happiness.

What we want and what we need are two different things. What we want is driven by an endless desire created by the commercial world. We sometimes forget what we need.

Several years ago, a patient had stage III breast cancer. She went through conventional care as her doctor prescribed. The things she did not do were: take care of herself, take care of her body, mind and emotions. She continued to work hard because she wanted to buy a brand name new car. She succeeded, she bought a new BMW.

Within two years, she passed away. I had a hard time processing this case, but I understand people have choices for how they want to live. My work is to continue to teach healing methodology and wisdom and hopefully more people will make the right choices for a better life and health.

Our Annual natural healing event is coming soon, in January 2019. Participating in this learning and healing event can be a perfect gift for yourself and for someone close to you. Come to learn, to experience, and to be nourished, and to have all your health questions answered. Our medicine is limited, but our healing power is unlimited.

Why do we continue to put on this event every year even though the amount of work is much more than the profit? After many years of taking care of patients, I realized that many people were suffering from illnesses because they were lacking in healing wisdom and healing methodology. After they learned and healed, many of them asked me “Why don’t we learn these things in school? Why don’t doctors tell this to us?”

Healing is not about “How much medication you take, how many tests you have had, nor how many doctors you have visited.” Healing is about “Finding the right methodology.” This is the value of our program. Please join us and share this information with others. I wish you a Happy New Year!